Organisations & Cultures
International Business Department
Universidad Eafit

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010

Migrants & Expatriates

Short meanings define a migrant as someone who moves from one region to another by chance, instint or plan. On the other hand, the word expatriate comes from the Latin ex meaning "out of", and patria meaning country. An expatriate is someone who has chosen to live in a country other than the one in which he or she legally resides. And there is where is the main difference in the part where it says: who has chosen to.

An expatriate is different than an immigrant in that most expatriates do not plan on residing in their new country permanently, and if they do, they plan on retaining their native citizenship for practical purposes. Immigrants by constrast, usually plan on residing permanently in a new country and acquiring permanent citizenship there.
In many cases expatriates are more critized than migrants. Despite both represent a negative force in the country where they are residing, expatriates has chosen to do ti, so that indicates a reduction in their sense of patriotism; while migrants had to do ti for many facts that made them made that decision.

martes, 2 de febrero de 2010

Culture & Organisational Culture

A. Culture: this term refers to the uses and customs of a community. Each nation has its own way of being and thinking, wheter recognized or not. An example of this is the Western culture and the Mayan culture that have coexisted for a long time together, sharing many aspects (governments, schools). No matter if one is older or more universal than the other, all have the same right to exist although the differences between these are obvious (behaviour, dress, way of spending money, having fun). All these aspects are important because they make one different from the other one.

B. Organisational Culture: as in the definition of culture, each company has its own organizational culture. This term is established in every company and are the attitudes, values and behaviours shared by the members of an organization. The workers' performance dependes on the organizational culture developed inside the company.

In conclusion, both meanings refer to the same, the human behaviour in a specified environment, the main difference, among others, would be the ancient of each term, because the first one it has been in the history from a long time ago, and the last one, we could say, it is a brand new term directly related to business, in the same way, the last one could be more flexible and an organisational culture could try to be changed in order to get a better performance in a company, but a culture of any society is quite hard, if it´s not impossible, to be changed.
