Organisations & Cultures
International Business Department
Universidad Eafit

viernes, 16 de abril de 2010

E-commerce from an Islamic perspective and Arab Banking System

Among the basic believes and concepts of Islam, it is possible to find that the fundamental teaching of this religion are from four main sources: the Quaran and the Sunnah, intellect and concensus of religious scientist. The first one encourage man to be involve of all sorts of productive work and it is in this concept where e-commerce plays its role.

It is possible to say that Islam according to its sources of teaching, accept the conduct of E-commerce as a new way or technology to facilitate economic transactions. But it is important to notice that it does not matter that e-commerce does not involve face to face business, it should follow the basic ethical value of Islam: truthfulness, sincerity and honesty.

In this way, e-commerce from Islam has been characterized by its legality and legitimacy, which has brought many advantages such as a new way of business that reduce costs of transaction and another example is the fact that the Islamic countries are less affected by the actual financial crisis.

Another important fact I would like to talk about is the Arab Banking System. I like this video because it shows how religion is related to arabs daily life:

Sources: Zainul, Norazlina et al. 2004. "E-commerce from an Islamic prspective". Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 3 (2004): 280-293

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